Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Feelings, Protein, and TV Shows

Hello again.  I hope you all are having a pretty awesome week!  The past couple of days for me haven't been a total picnic.  I've been kinda down and I'm not really sure why or where/how it started.  Maybe it's mood swings? Maybe it's my diet and exercise? Maybe it's because I haven't had my daily dose of sweet tea??   The possibilities are endless... I've had swollen hands and feet on and off over the past week and I noticed last night that my ankles are starting to swell too.  I've been trying to watch my salt intake but they still swell.  I haven't exercised like I want to or should.  We're either busy running around doing classes or I'm just too tired to make the effort.  I've tried to wake up in the morning but that's nearly impossible.  I used to be able to jump out of bed at the first alarm and now I'm on snooze 3 or 4.  We did finally sign a lease last night which just alleviated a lot of pressure on our living situation.  We have the next month to get packed, condense furniture and sell what we can.  Another thing that's been on my mind the last couple of weeks is how the first few months are going to be with the baby.  I am feeling very protective of the baby and this insane controlling urge over him.  I know that I'm not going to be the perfect mother and I'm going to make mistakes and I'm not going to know what to do all the time but I feel like that's how I'm going to learn to take care of him.  I fear that everyone is going to come in, take care of him, and then I won't know how to when they leave.  Maybe it's a fear of being detached from the baby or that he's going to love someone else more then me.  That's the scariest feeling in the world.  Does every mother go through this? Is this a childish feeling to have? Am I crazy?? I'm afraid of going back to work and leaving the baby for someone else to raise.  If the baby sees this other person for 9 hours a day and me for less then that, how will he know who his parents are? I feel like my whole way of thinking has shifted and my life is changing so fast.  This is turning out to be a very depressing entry... let's talk about something fun!  We have our birth class tonight.  We're supposed to talk about nutrition and how good nutrition is vital to a healthy delivery.  I have to write my diet and protein intake over 3 days.  Today is my third and my food lists are really long and I have no problem eating enough protein.  That's probably why this baby is growing so fast!  Bill and I are planning on going to NY over Memorial day weekend so I'm pretty excited about that too.  I was trying to look up things to do while we're there but I don't think Bill is going to want to see Central Perk or anywhere Carrier, Samantha, Charlotte, or Miranda hung out, or shopped, or had lunch ...... :)

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