Thursday, May 10, 2012

Elegance and Bunnies

Hello again!  So we are at 27 weeks today!  Only 13 more to go :)  Bill and I are getting things done in preparation for the little one.  We signed the lease, bought a couch, will pick out paint colors this weekend and plan on having the carpets cleaned again.  That might all sound boring to you all but I find it exciting!  I'm somewhat of an old soul ....Pregnancy is going awesome so far.  I must admit I've had it pretty easy.  I haven't really been sick, just tired at times. I've been better about trying to keep active.  Hopefully it will make for a fairly easy (I use that term loosely) delivery.  So I've been watching this new show called The Playboy Club.  Caroline, the Mother Bunny, is very elegant and beautiful.  She has a presence that commands everyone's attention.  She is a bit insecure which is odd but kind of reassuring to me to know that a woman of that caliber can still be insecure but I guess we all are to some degree.  When I was watching Mad Men, I was drawn to Joan, the red-headed secretary.  She walked around with confidence that I envy soooooo much.  Anyways, I would absolutely love to have the confidence and elegance as these two ladies, BUT I am torn between someone who I envy and who I truely am.  I think of myself as pretty plain.  I don't wear a lot of makeup and I don't really do much (ok, I don't do anything!) with my hair.  I don't get regular manicures, pedicures, facials, or any of the other womanly grooming habits.  I swear, burp, make funny faces, and yes, I am admitting to the world, sometimes (well more then sometimes)...... I fart.  So the thought of ever being "elegant" doesn't really seem that fesible.  But yet, I still envy these woman and want to be like them.  So, what's a girl to do???????

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